Some git commands

#### Thay đổi tên commit cuối cùng
git commit --amend

#### Kết hợp nhiều commit thành một
git rebase -i HEAD~5

#### Xem lịch sử các commit, merge...
git reflog

#### Undo a commit
git reset 'HEAD@{1}'

#### Undo commit but keep file changed
git reset --soft HEAD~1 #or
git reset --soft 2ed26e52092851f40ea4fec60d357cd138f04209

#### Hủy bỏ các commit đã thực hiện trước đó, cả những commit merge...
git reset --hard HEAD@{N}

#### Combine nhiều commit thành một với git flow finish
git flow feature finish -S branch_name

#### Reset file
git reset HEAD filename
git checkout -- filename
git reset --hard origin/master # Reset all file and return to origin/master

#### CHeckout a file to a branch
git checkout origin/master filename

#### Run code on special commit
git checkout 2ed26e52092851f40ea4fec60d357cd138f04209
git checkout current_branch # To exit detach mode


#### Rename author github commit
git rebase -i <earliercommit>
git commit --amend --author="Author_Name <>"

+ Change pick -> edit
+ rebase continue


#### Git remove untracked file/folder
git clean -n # view what file will be deleted
git clean -f # delete only file
git clean -f -d # delete folder

#### Pick commit to other branch
git cherry pick

#### Undo a reset --hard or go to a commit
- In your branch
git reflog
# c14665d HEAD@{9}: checkout: moving from
git checkout master (or original branch checkout from )
git checkout c14665d

#### Find commit
git fsck
git show
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